Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I want to make a spankarequest.  You know, when one says somehow - I am officially requesting a spanking, and one like you mean it, and one you will follow through with, and one that lets me know that you will be back in the game full time, and one that lets me know more are to follow with one little step out of line.

You know, THAT kind of spankarequest.

The kind that equals red stingy bottom. The kind that equals an almost reach back.  The kind that equals "You know you are in charge" and "I know I am not." That kind that I don't have to dictate but that you automatically get how much, how hard, and how best to deliver it.

That kind of spankarequest.


  1. This kind it's hard to ask for. I always have to write to my husband instead of ask him to his face, I'm too chicken!

    1. I am hoping he reads this blog post and that takes care of it for me!

  2. Lol how do you come up with these names?? That is awesome!!!! I just send him your posts that way he gets the drift! And I love love love when you post :)

  3. Ok I have to also mention the pic! That is one hot pic :)
    I wish I actually looked like that! Hahah

  4. Maybe there's a comment card we can fill out and submit to our husbands? Haha, I'm inspired to make one!

    1. Ha! That is a great idea! Design away! I will buy a set! hehe

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My wife and I have a way for her to ask without asking. She kneels in front of me and kisses my hand (usually when I'm on the couch). Then I know she needs some attention, and I can start the conversation instead of her.

    1. What a great for her to be able to let you know without "letting you know." :)

  7. sometimes I will just say "I need you" and he gets the message. We agreed to that during a conversation and so far so good
